The GAD Top Three | December 23rd, 2024

Traverse City Renews Considerations of Short-Term Rental and Tourist Home Regulations; Traverse City Commission Homelessness Update; Traverse City DDA Discusses Potential Project Priorities Before Current TIF-97 Expiration

This week on the GAD Top Three, we'll cover all the housing-issue discussions that took place last week in Traverse City. We look first at the Traverse City Planning Commission, which renewed its consideration of short-term rental and tourist home regulations. Next, we review the Traverse City Commission's efforts to fight homelessness, including funding for Safe Harbor of Grand Traverse, a resolution to support homelessness efforts, and a safety plan for consumption in public, prowling, and loitering. Last, we look at the Traverse City Downtown Development Authority’s consideration of potential project priorities before the current TIF-97 district expires.

1. Traverse City Renews Considerations of Short-Term Rental and Tourist Home Regulations

This past Tuesday, December 17th the Traverse City (TC) Planning Commission held a Study Session to discuss the history and the current state of short-term rentals in Traverse City from October 15th. Most of the discussion at this Dec. 17th Study Session was a walk-through of information gathered by the TC Planning Department as requested by TC Planning Commissioners at their October 15th Study Session. This information is all provided in the Dec. 17th Study Session Agenda Packet. Following this meeting, the TC Planning Commissioners will email TC Planning Staff suggestions to consider which could, potentially, alter TC's short-term rental policy. A key takeaway from this meeting is there is an intent that has been expressed by TC Planning Commissioners to ensure that short-term rental supply does not take away from long-term rental supply and to incentivize greater long-term rental development in Traverse City. This discussion will likely continue well into 2025 with potential changes to Traverse City's short-term rental policy proposed as the year progresses.  

2. Traverse City Commission Homelessness Update

At the Traverse City Commission Meeting on Monday, December 16th there was much discussion and actions taken in Traverse City’s efforts to combat homelessness in our area. First, the Traverse City Commission approved an allocation of ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) funds to Safe Harbor of Grand Traverse Shelter in the amount of $250,000 total, $125,000 each fiscal year for 2024/2025 & 2025/2026 for purposes of supporting year-round emergency shelter services. These funds will help Safe Harbor of Grand Traverse with their projected annual budget of $1.1 million to operate their emergency shelter year-round. It was expressed in presentations provided by the Grand Traverse Regional Community Foundation, Rotary Charities, and Safe Harbor of Grand Traverse that they will seek additional funding from the Grand Traverse County Commission and other funders. You can view the discussion on the funding allocation here (from 1:14 to 2:29). 

The Traverse City Commission then considered and passed a resolution “Supporting the Northwest Michigan Coalition to End Homelessness’ effort to end chronic homelessness through permanent supportive housing” (discussion from 2:46 to 3:01). Finally, although the Traverse City Commission took no action, they discussed an amendment to the Traverse City Code of Ordinances which would address consumption in public, prowling, and loitering to assist with implementation of safety plan that could affect behavior in public places of individuals experiencing homelessness (discussion from 3:04 to 3:26).

Additional updates from the Traverse City Homelessness Collective were provided to the Traverse City Commission through this written report.

3. Traverse City DDA Discusses Potential Project Priorities Before the Current TIF-97 Expires

As of this writing, no action that may have been taken at the December 20th Traverse City Downtown Development Authority (DDA) meeting was known, however, a primary topic of conversation was the DDA’s TIF97 (Tax Increment Financing) potential project priorities if the current TIF-97 district is not approval for an extension beyond its December 2027 expiration date. In the Traverse City DDA agenda, they have provided a thorough breakdown of their potential project priorities with project descriptions available here.

Connor Miller photo
Connor Miller
Government Affairs Director

As the Government Affairs Director, I work to advocate for the real estate industry through programming that promotes the election of pro-REALTOR® candidates; engage, inform, and activate membership and local government officials on key local and state real estate policies; provide staff support to the REALTOR® Political Action Committee that invests members' voluntary contributions to protect and promote the real estate industry; and support the Aspire North memberships’ involvement in community projects to further grow and strengthen our region.