Help Determine Aspire North REALTORS Advocacy Priorities for 2024, A Belated Congratulations to Amy Shamroe and Mitchell Treadwell!, Two Quick Hits on Short-Term Rentals: City of Cadillac and the Village of Suttons Bay
We need your help determining the Aspire North REALTORS® advocacy priorities for our local association in 2024; participate in the Advocacy Survey today! Plus, a belated congratulations on the election of Aspire North REALTORS-endorsed Traverse City candidates Amy Shamroe and Mitchell Treadwell. Lastly, the City of Cadillac looks to include a definition of short-term rentals in its zoning ordinance and confirm where they are permitted to operate, while the Village of Suttons Bay looks to move forward with some short-term rental ordinance amendments of its own.
1. Help Determine Aspire North REALTORS Advocacy Priorities for 2024
Your association needs your help to better engage, communicate, and advocate on your behalf. Participate in the Aspire North REALTORS Advocacy Survey to help determine your association’s advocacy priorities for 2024. You can access the Aspire North REALTORS Advocacy survey here. Please fill out this survey, take your time and be honest. Everyone who completes a survey is eligible to win 1 of 3 $50 gift cards! Want to learn more about Aspire North REALTORS current advocacy priorities for 2023? Check out the Aspire North REALTORS Advocacy webpage.
2. A Belated Congratulations to Amy Shamroe and Mitchell Treadwell!
Congratulations to Aspire North REALTORS endorsed candidates Amy Shamroe for Traverse City Mayor and Mitchell Treadwell for Traverse City Commission on their victories in the Traverse City Mayor’s race and Traverse City Commission race on November 7th. Amy secured a fairly decisive victory receiving 2,877 votes to Tom Mair’s 1,631. Mitchell Treadwell, in a highly contested race between 9 candidates for 3 Traverse City Commission seats, Mitchell received the third highest vote total in the Traverse City Commission race with 1,704, just edging out the candidate receiving the fourth most votes, Caroline Kennedy, by 23 votes. We at Aspire North REALTORS look forward to working with Amy, Mitchell and all current and newly elected Traverse City Commissioners to continue to move Aspire North REALTORS advocacy priorities forward in 2024 and beyond. You can view the full election results here. Learn more about Amy and Mitchell as well as the two additional recently elected Traverse City Commissioners, Jackie Anderson and Heather Shaw, through their Aspire North REALTORS candidate surveys.
3. Two Quick Hits on Short-Term Rentals: City of Cadillac and the Village of Suttons Bay
The City of Cadillac Planning Commission will be holding a Public Hearing TODAY Monday, November 27th at 6 pm at the Cadillac City Hall (200 Lake Street, Cadillac, MI) on an ordinance to amend the City Zoning Ordinance to include a definition of short-term rentals and specify to the public which zoning districts permit short-term rentals by right or by special use permit. These amendments are consistent with how the City of Cadillac has regulated short-term rentals; these changes would make the City of Cadillac’s enforcement clear to the public. In short, this would specify that short-term rentals are permitted by right in zoning districts TS-1 (Tourist Service district), TS-2, and B-1 (Auxiliary Business district), as well as permitted by a special use permit in B-2 (Central Business district). View the Memo by the City of Cadillac on this proposed amendment to the City of Cadillac Zoning Ordinance including their tentative timeline for how this process may move forward.
At the Monday, November 20th Village of Suttons Bay Council Meeting (pages 6 to 16) a public hearing was held to consider the adoption of Ordinance No. 27, the Village of Suttons Bay Short-Term Rental Ordinance. As listed in the Aspire North REALTORS Short-Term Rental Guide the Village of Suttons Bay has a current Short-Term Rental Ordinance. This proposed Ordinance No. 27 would update the current Village of Suttons Bay Short-Term Rental Ordinance to include the following:
- “Noise during quiet hours must be limited to that which does not disturb the quiet, comfort, or repose of a reasonable person of normal sensitivities. Quiet hours shall be from 10:00 PM to 8:00 AM.”
- The designated operator of the Short-Term Rental must be a 24-hour contact for their Short-term Rental property
- “For each violation of a license by a license holder within a calendar year, the Village shall issue a written warning notice of violation mail to the property owner and operator via First Class Mail and Certified Mail. The property owner and operator shall acknowledge receipt of the written notice within 7 days. Failure to acknowledge the violation does not waive responsibility by the owner and operator.
If there are one or more violations each year during any three (3) consecutive year period, or three (3) violations in a single calendar year, the license shall be revoked.
An owner may appeal a decision to revoke a license to the Village Council within 30 days of the date the written note of revocation was issued.”