Elk Rapids Township Septic Time of Transfer Ordinance, Cleveland Township May 14th Public Hearing on STR Ordinance, Shaping NAR’s 2024 Policy Priorities
This week we have some important local updates. The Elk Rapids Township Septic Inspection and Property Transfer Ordinance became effective as of March 11th, 2023, which requires a time of transfer septic inspection. Also, Cleveland Township is holding a public hearing on Tuesday, May 14th on a proposed short-term rental ordinance. At the national level, we'll take a look at how the National Association of REALTORS® policy priorities are determined as the REALTOR® Legislative Meetings kick off this week.
1. Elk Rapids Township Septic Time of Transfer Ordinance
The Elk Rapids Township Septic Inspection and Property Transfer Ordinance, originally passed by the Elk Rapids Township Board at their December 11th, 2023 Regular Meeting (page 2) has gone into effect as of March 11th, 2024. This Septic Inspection and Property Transfer Ordinance requires:
- A property’s existing Sewage Treatment and Disposal System (STDS) is evaluated by the Health Department of Northwest Michigan
- A written copy of the evaluation report has been provided to the transferee or an authorized agent of the transferee by the owner or an authorized agent of the owner.
Owner/transfers are exempt from this requirement if:
- A new or replacement STDS was installed within ten (10) years prior to the date of transfer
- An evaluation that meets the requirements of the Elk Rapids Septic Inspection and Property Transfer Ordinance was conducted within five (5) years prior to the date of transfer
- Transfer from one spouse to the other spouse or a child
- A change in ownership solely to include a spouse or child
- An involuntary transfer pursuant to foreclosure or court order
For additional details check out the Elk Rapids Township Inspection and Property Transfer Ordinance. For information on septic ordinances across the 6 county region (Antrim, Benzie, Grand Traverse, Kalkaska, Leelanau, and Wexford), including the Elk Rapids Inspcetion and Property Transfer Ordinance check out the Local and State Sewer, Septic, and Well Information webpage on the Aspire North REALTORS website.
Thank you to Aspire North REALTORS® member, Robin Vanderkaay, for bringing this updated Elk Rapids Township Inspection and Property Transfer Ordinance to our attention!
2. Cleveland Township May 14th Public Hearing on STR Ordinance
It has been out of the limelight for a bit, however, since the Cleveland Township Planning Commission originally passed a recommended Short Term Rental (STR) Ordinance to the Cleveland Township Board at the September 6th, 2023 Cleveland Township Planning Commission Meeting, the Cleveland Township Board has been discussing the proposed Cleveland Township STR Ordinance. Next week on Tuesday, May 14th, 2024 the Cleveland Township Board will be holding a Public Hearing on the proposed Cleveland Township STR Ordinance. The links provided for the Cleveland Township STR Ordinance are as the ordinance was written and recommended by the Cleveland Township Planning Commission at their September 6th, 2023 meeting. In the April 9th, 2024 Cleveland Township Board Meeting the Cleveland Township STR Ordinance was referred to under ordinance number 2024-0514-01, so an amended version of the ordinance may be presented for the Public Hearing on May 14th, 2024. At this time the Cleveland Township STR Ordinance has some of these key rental standards:
- An annual Short Term Rental Permit will be issued to operate a Short Term Rental and will require an annual fee
- Only one (1) dwelling unit per parcel may be permitted for use as a Short Term Rental.
- Maximum allowable occupancy is 12 people
- A designated 24-hour contact person who lives within 30 miles of the short-term rental property
- No on-street parking is permitted in association with a short-term rental
- Septic tanks must be pumped at least once every three (3) years
For additional information check out the proposed Cleveland Township STR Ordinance as passed by the Cleveland Township Planning Commission on September 6th, 2023. For more context on the Cleveland Township Board's discussion of the ordinance view Cleveland Township Board minutes dating back to the beginning of their discussions in November 2023 here. Check out short-term rental policies across the 6-county region (Antrim, Benzie, Grand Traverse, Kalkaska, Leelanau, and Wexford) on the Short-Term Rental Policies webpage on the Aspire North REALTORS® website.
3. Shaping NAR’s 2024 Policy Priorities
Ever wondered how the National Association of REALTORS (NAR) determines their legislative priorities each year? Check out this video, Advancing Advocacy: Shaping NAR’s 2024 Policy Priorities to learn how input at the local and state association level determines NAR’s Legislative Priorities. Priorities that thousands of NAR members will take to Congress members at the REALTOR Legislative Meetings next week. What to learn more about the NAR Legislative Priorities, as well as the policy priorities of Michigan REALTORS and Aspire North REALTORS? Check out the Aspire North REALTORS webpage on Local, State, and National Advocacy Priorities.