STR Moratorium Extended in East Bay Township and More STR Ordinance Amendments Considered, Paradise Township and Village of Suttons Bay Planning Commissions propose changes to ADU regulations.
In this week’s GAD Top Three, we will check in on the East Bay Township Short-term Rental (STR) Ordinance discussions including the extension of the current STR Moratorium. Then we will keep things local with a look at Paradise Township and Village of Suttons Bay Planning Commissions’ recent efforts to adjust their regulations of Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs).
1. STR Moratorium Extended in East Bay Township and More STR Ordinance Amendments Considered
At East Bay Township’s May 8th Board Meeting (page 5) an extension of East Bay Township’s Short-term Rental Ordinance was passed in the form of Ordinance 2 of 2023. This Short-term Rental Moratorium Extension Ordinance was originally introduced at East Bay Township’s April 10th Board Meeting and will now extend the current East Bay Township Short-term Rental Ordinance 4 months to October 22nd, 2023.
In addition, East Bay Township has continued its discussion of the Short-Term Rental Licensing Ordinance (Ordinance 5 of 2019) and has added changes including:
- Visitor Hours
- A license cap
- Advertising of available of licenses
- Distance requirements (1,000 feet between individual short-term rentals)
- Transfer provisions and renewal provisions
- Consideration of one rental per seven nights versus one rental for four nights
The proposed Ordinance 5 of 2019 will be brought back to the East Bay Township Board at their regular meeting on June 12th at 6:30 pm at the East Bay Charter Township Hall (1965 North Three Mile Road, Traverse City) and will include language that would only allow 1 rental every 7 days. If you would like to make your voice heard on this important issue, do not miss this East Bay Township Board meeting.
2. Paradise Township Planning Commission Proposes Amendment to Accommodate More Accessory Dwellings
Paradise Township Planning Commission voted on May 25th on the proposed amendment “#20-05 Accessory Dwellings” which would make the following changes listed in the May 25th Paradise Township Planning Commission Meeting Packet (on pages 4 to 6) to their Zoning Ordinance to create a greater allowance of Accessory Dwellings. Some keys changes include:
- The primary structure or the accessory dwelling unit shall be owner-occupied
- The accessory dwelling or the principal dwelling shall not be used as a short-term rental
- No more than one (1) accessory dwelling shall be permitted, and the accessory dwelling unit shall not be sold separately from the principal dwelling
- The total square footage of an accessory dwelling unit shall not exceed the square footage of the principal dwelling
- There shall be a minimum of one (1) and a maximum of two (2) designated parking spaces for the accessory dwelling unit
More updates will be provided as these efforts move forward.
3. Village of Suttons Bay Planning Commission Proposes Adjustments to ADU Requirements
The Village of Suttons Bay Public Commission held a public hearing on May 10th (discussed on pages 5 to 8) where they passed a motion increasing the maximum square footage for an ADU from 600 feet to 800 square feet in all village zoning districts and established a limit of only one (1) accessory dwelling unit per parcel. This motion will next be brought to the Village of Suttons Bay Council for consideration of their enactment. No date is currently scheduled for the Village of Suttons Bay’s consideration of these actions.