Happy New Year! As local, state, and national politics have slowed a bit at the end of this year, we will look back at the top 3 issues covered in the GAD Top 3 in 2023.
1. Benzie-Leelanau District Health Department Sanitary Code
From the start to the end of the year, the issue that I heard the most correspondence from members on in 2023 was the Benzie-Leelanau District Health Department Sanitary Code, which went into effect on January 27th, 2023. We covered this most recently in the November 20th GAD Top 3, which included a summary and links to our previous posts to date along with the latest information on Benzie-Leelanau Health Department water sample testing. I recommend revisiting the November 20th GAD Top 3, which includes links to all previous blog posts covering the topic, or you can use the hyperlinks below!
- January 30th GAD Top 3, Item 2: Benzie-Leelanau Sanitary Code Takes Effect on Jan. 27th
- May 22nd GAD Top 3, Item 1: Benzie-Leelanau Sanitary Code Updated Thanks to Aspire North Member
- July 3rd GAD Top 3, Item 1: Summary of Leelanau County Health Department Education Session Hosted at Aspire North
- July 24th GAD Top 3, Item 2: Potential Water Testing Discrepancies Under the Benzie-Leelanau Sanitary Code
- November 20th GAD Top 3, Item 1: Information on Benzie-Leelanau Health Department Water Sample Testing
2. The Everchanging Short-Term Rental Landscape
As is the case in much of the country, short-term rentals were an ever-present issue in the Northwest Lower Michigan region in 2023, full of discussions and updates to short-term rentals (STR) policies. Fourteen of the forty-seven GAD Top 3s in 2023 featured at least one item on short-term rentals. Links to those posts are below. Want to view all short-term rental policies across the six-county region (Antrim, Benzie, Grand Traverse, Kalkaska, Leelanau, and Wexford)? Check out the Aspire North Short-Term Rental Guide!
- City of Cadillac Codifies Zoning Ordinance Interpretation of Where STRs are Allowed
- City of Frankfort Adopts Short-Term Rental Ordinance
- Clearwater Township Planning Commission Considers Short-term Rental Ordinance
- East Bay Township Updates Their Short-term Rental Ordinance
- Elmwood Township Discusses Overlay District Where STRs Not Allowed
- Village of Suttons Bay Considers Updates to STR Ordinance
3. Traverse City Zoning Ordinance Amendments to Increase Housing Options
Traverse City’s consideration and ultimate passing of Zoning Amendments to allow greater housing development in the City of Traverse City was a big issue in 2023 and ended up being a major talking point in the Traverse City Mayoral and City Commission races. Below are the GAD Top 3s where we covered this topic throughout, including giving Aspire North REALTORS’ support (Aspire North Public Comment on August 28th, 2023, and Aspire North letter of support for expanding housing opportunities offered in April 2023) for efforts like zoning amendments that can support greater development of housing options in our region.
- February 20th GAD Top 3, Item 2: Traverse City Planning Commission Discusses Goal to Expand Housing Opportunities
- April 17th GAD Top 3, Item 1: Aspire North REALTORS Provides Letter of Support for the Traverse City Planning Commission’s Goal to Expand Housing Opportunities
- May 8th GAD Top 3, Item 1: Traverse City Planning Commission Formally Introduces Housing Density Zoning Amendments
- June 12th GAD Top 3, Item 2: Traverse City Planning Commission Approves Zoning Amendments for Increased Housing Density to the Traverse City Commission
- August 28th GAD Top 3, Item 1: Traverse City Commission August 28th Study Session on Zoning Ordinance Amendments to Residential Density
- September 5th GAD Top 3, Item 1: Traverse City Commission Expresses Support for Zoning Amendments and Intent to Act Before November
- September 25th GAD Top 3, Item 3: Traverse City Zoning Amendments Move Forward for Potential Enactment
You can catch up on any of the GAD Top 3s for 2023 on the Aspire North REALTORS Blog. Wishing you a prosperous and happy 2024!