Elmwood Township Introduction of Zoning Ordinance to Support Sustainable Multi-dwelling Development; Acme Township Public Hearing Held to Discuss ADU Zoning Ordinance Amendment on Feb. 20th; NAR Comments on Association Health Plans Rule
In this week’s GAD Top 3, the Elmwood Township Planning Commission introduces and schedules a public hearing for a potential zoning ordinance to support sustainable multi-dwelling development. Second, the Acme Township Planning Commission hosts a public hearing on a potential accessory dwelling unit zoning ordinance. And last, the National Association of REALTORS® speaks out in defense of Association Health Plans to support comprehensive, affordable health coverage options for small employers and self-employed individuals, including real estate professionals.
1. Elmwood Township Planning Commission Introduction of Zoning Ordinance to Support Sustainable Multi-dwelling Development
At the Charter Township of Elmwood Planning Commission Meeting on Tuesday, February 20th, a motion was passed to schedule a public hearing on Zoning Ordinance Amendment 2017-04-22 at the next regularly scheduled Charter Township of Elmwood Planning Commission meeting on March 19th, 6:30 pm at the Elmwood Township Hall (10090 E. Lincoln Road, Traverse City, MI). Zoning Ordinance Amendment 2017-04-22 would add a definition for Dwelling, Multi and Lot Area, and Gross as well as modify existing definitions for Parcel, Lot Area, and Net Lot Area supporting sustainable multi-dwelling development in the Charter Township of Elmwood. Specific proposed changes include:
- Defining Dwelling, Multi as “a building or buildings on a single lot with at least two dwelling units, including any attached dwelling”
- Establish multi-dwelling development requirements, including:
- Every multi-dwelling unit shall have a minimum width of 24 feet and a minimum living area of 720 sq. ft.
- Minimum net lot area for a multi-dwelling development shall be 12,500 sq. ft.
- Maximum number of dwelling units permitted shall be determined by dividing the net lot area of the lot on which the multi-dwelling development will be located by the minimum lot size of the zoning district in which the multi-dwelling development will be located.
- In no instance shall density be permitted to exceed 12 dwelling units per acre.
You can read the proposed Zoning Ordinance Amendment in its entirety with proposed changes tracked in red on the Charter Township of Elmwood Township Planning Commission Agenda Packet (pages 25 to 27). You can also view the full Feb. 20th Charter Township of Elmwood Township Planning Commission Meeting discussion on proposed Zoning Ordinance Amendment 2017-04-22 here (from hour 1:28 to hour 1:47).
2. Acme Township Public Hearing Held to Discuss ADU Zoning Ordinance Amendment on Feb. 20th
A public hearing was held at the Tuesday, February 20th Acme Township Planning Commission Meeting held a public hearing to consider an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Zoning Ordinance Amendment. The proposed Zoning Ordinance Amendment would modify the following Articles and Sections:
- Add the definition of an accessory dwelling unit to Article 14 Section 14.2 A
- Add the definition of a mobile home to Article 14 Section 14.14
- In Article 3 Section 3.2, include ADUs as a use by-right in the following districts:
- Agricultural
- Single Family Rural
- Single Family Neighborhood
- Mixed Housing Neighborhood
- Manufactured Housing Neighborhood
- Corridor Shoreline
- A maximum of 12 new ADUs shall be allowed, with a land use permit, per year on a first come-first serve basis.
Standard that ADUs would be subject to in the proposed Zoning Ordinance Amendment include:
- An ADU or primary dwelling shall not be used as a Short-Term Rental or a tourist home.
- The term for tenancy of the ADU shall be for a period of six (6) months or more.
- The property owner shall live on site, either in the principal dwelling unit or the accessory dwelling unit.
- Only one (1) ADU is allowed per parcel.
- ADUs shall have their own separate entrance, kitchen, sleeping area, and full bathroom facilities.
- ADUs may be attached to a single-family dwelling unit and may occupy a basement, first floor or second floor of the principal dwelling or may occupy a separate, detached accessory building in the rear of the principal dwelling unit.
- Building materials and designs used on detached ADUs or additions to the principal dwelling for an attached ADU shall be of a similar architectural style as that of the principal dwelling.
- Minimum size of the ADU shall be 350 square feet and maximum shall not exceed 600 square feet, or the size of the principal dwelling unit, whichever is less
- Manufactured homes or mobile homes shall not be used as an ADU.
- Parking for the ADU shall be provided on the same property as the principal use and include one (1) off-street parking space per ADU.
- Health Department approval is required when on well or septic before a land use permit can be issued.
You can read the proposed Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Zoning Ordinance Amendment in its entirety in the February 20th Acme Township Planning Commission Meeting Packet (pages 75 to 77).
3. NAR Comments on Association Health Plans Rule
On December 20, 2023, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) proposed to rescind the 2018 Association Health Plans (AHP) final regulations, which provided comprehensive, affordable health coverage options to small employers and self-employed individuals, including real estate professionals.
In a comment letter submitted on February 20, 2024, NAR expressed disappointment with the latest DOL proposal and set the record straight that REALTOR® AHPs were just as comprehensive but more affordable than health plans under the Affordable Care Act. NAR urged the DOL to:
- Update its workplace benefit policies to address the market evolution toward a gig economy, where workers increasingly choose the flexibility and freedom to work without a traditional employer; and
- Adopt a proposal by the Coalition to Protect and Promote Association Health Plans to restore small business access to comprehensive, affordable health insurance through AHPs.
Read NAR's comment letter to the DOL
Content courtesy of the National Association of REALTORS®