Participate in the Call to Action and Stop an Increase in the Real Estate Transfer Tax; New Fair Housing Con-Ed Requirement Effective as of Feb. 13th; Joint Traverse City City Commission and Planning Commission Meeting on Feb. 21st to Discuss Year-Round Safe Harbor and Short-Term Rentals
In this week’s GAD Top 3, we start off by strongly encouraging you to participate in the Michigan REALTORS' Call to Action through this link to prevent an increase in the real estate transfer tax. Second, we review the details of the new 1 hour per year Fair Housing Continuing Education requirement that is now in effect. Lastly, the Traverse City City Commission and Planning Commission meet this Wednesday, February 21st to discuss the possible year-round operation of Safe Harbor and potential increased limitations on short-term rentals.
1. Participate in the Call to Action and Stop an Increase in the Real Estate Transfer Tax!
As of the morning of February 16th, more than 3,300 members of Michigan REALTORS from across the state had already participated in the Call to Action to say no to the Michigan State Housing Development Authority’s (MSHDA) proposed transfer tax increase. If you have not already participated in the Call to Action, take action TODAY through this link. MSHDA is currently pushing to raise $50 million through a proposed transfer tax increase that would be a tax increase on ALL residential and commercial real estate transactions. With your help, we can prevent the introduction of this legislation that would be detrimental to Michigan's existing housing market and future development. Click here to e-mail your State Senator and State Representative! To learn more, watch this short video from Michigan REALTORS and/or email
2. New Fair Housing Continuing Education Requirement Effective as of February 13th
As of this past Tuesday, February 13th, Public Act 246 of 2023 became effective requiring that all real estate professionals complete one hour of continuing education concerning compliance with local, state, or federal fair housing law in each year of their licensing cycle. As mentioned in an email distributed by the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) to real estate licensees in Michigan on Monday, February 5th, “for those renewing within the first year of the effective date of the law, if selected for a Continuing Education Audit, the Department will take into consideration the shortened window for you to comply with the new law. For those renewing more than 1-year after the effective date of the law (after Feb. 13th, 2025), if selected for a Continuing Education Audit, the Department will use its discretion but would expect that at least one hour of this new training is completed for each license cycle year since the law went into effect.”
In short, if you have a real estate license renewal date coming up in the near future, you do not need to immediately get 1 hour of Fair Housing Continuing Education credit to remain in compliance. However, all real estate licensees should start planning to complete 1 hour of Fair Housing Continuing Education credit each year and a total of 3 hours of Fair Housing Continuing Education credit for each 3-year cycle going forward. If you have any questions about the new Fair Housing Continuing Education requirement, reach out to Aspire North REALTORS Director of Membership, Education and Professional Standards, Jennifer Kowal at
3. February 21st Joint Traverse City City Commission and Planning Commission Meeting to Discuss Year-Round Safe Harbor and Short-Term Rentals
This coming Wednesday, February 21st at 6 pm at the Grand Traverse Governmental Center (400 Boardman Ave., Traverse City), the Traverse City City Commission and Planning Commission will be holding a joint study session to discuss the potential transition to year-round operation at Safe Harbor and possible changes to short-term rental limits/caps in zoning districts where currently there are no limitations. Safe Harbor is an emergency shelter located at 517 Wellington Street in Traverse City. It currently operates seasonally from mid-October through April. Over the past year, City staff have been working with community partners on how to better meet the needs of those who are unhoused in our community; including most notably the Pines, a location near the Village at the Grand Traverse Commons that is currently home to a homeless encampment. The Traverse City City Commission and Planning Commission will discuss the possibility of initiating an extensive Special Land Use Permit (SLUP) application to allow the potential year-round operation of Safe Harbor.
Regarding Short-Term Rentals, the Traverse City Planning Commission has informally discussed a limit or cap specifically on vacation home rentals in commercial, development, hotel resort, and industrial districts. Vacation home rentals are defined as “a commercial use of a dwelling where the dwelling is rented or sold for any term less than 30 consecutive days”; they do not require owner-occupancy to operate. The Traverse City Planning Commission is requesting guidance on whether or not the city commission has any interest in pursuing caps on vacation home rentals in the unrestricted districts or exploring other avenues that would cap or limit vacation home rentals in the city limits. View the February 21st Traverse City Joint City Commission and Planning Commission Study Session Agenda and meeting materials here.