Torch Lake Township passes a Septic Inspection and Property Time of Transfer Ordinance that will become effective on September 9th, 2023, Helena Township approved to move forward with Accessory Building Zoning Ordinance Amendment that could allow accessory buildings greater in size than primary dwellings, and Acme Township begins discussions on where potential development of ADUs could occur with discussion continuing at their August 14th meeting.
1. Torch Lake Township Passes a Septic Inspection and Property Time of Transfer Ordinance
At the July 18th Torch Lake Township Board Meeting, a motion was passed approving Police Power Resolution 2023-3 adopting a Septic Inspection and Property Transfer Ordinance. This Septic Inspection and Property Transfer Ordinance will be published on the Torch Lake Township website on Thursday, August 10th and after 30 days will become effective on Saturday, September 9th, 2023. You can review the Torch Lake Township Septic Inspection and Property Transfer Ordinance in its entirety here (Link to attached Word Doc). You can view all active Septic, Sewer, and Well Policies in the 6 county region (Antrim, Benzie, Grand Traverse, Kalkaska, Leelanau, and Wexford) on the Aspire North Local and State Sewer, Septic, and Well Information webpage found on the Aspire North Info Hub under the Resources tab.
2. Antrim County Planning Commission Supports Helena Township Accessory Building Zoning Ordinance Amendment
At the July 11th Antrim County Planning Commission Meeting (pages 6 to 8) the Antrim County Planning Commission found no incompatibilities between the Antrim County Master Plan and Helena Townships proposed zoning ordinance amendment to Section 5.01.01, and recommends that the Helena Township Board approve the proposed amendment. The amendment to the Helena Township Zoning Ordinance would remove the following text under section 5.01.01.C.2 “If located in a Residential District, not exceed the ground floor area of the main building.” This would allow Helena Township residents to build accessory buildings on their properties greater in size than the main residential building.
3. Acme Township Begins Discussions on ADUs
At the July 10th Acme Township Planning Commission Work Session (page 66) the Acme Township Planning Commission began a housing discussion on Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) with the goal of determining where the Acme Township Planning Commission feels comfortable with potential future ADU development. The Acme Township Planning Commission will be tabling most of their discussion until their August 14th Planning Commission meeting (held at 7 pm at the Acme Township Hall located at 6042 Acme Road, Williamsburg, MI). At the August 14th Acme Township Planning Commission Meeting, John Lacoangeli with Beckett and Raeder will present information on a map that his team is putting together on potential areas where accessory dwelling units could be located. John will also be presenting some draft language from other areas in Michigan that allow accessory dwelling units. More information on the August 14th Acme Township Planning Commission Meeting will be available on their website.