Protect Yourself and Buyers From Seller Impersonation Fraud; Local Townships Looking at Opportunities to Increase Housing Options; and A Look Back at NAR’s Accomplishments to Date in 2023
Locally and nationally, seller impersonation fraud is on the rise. Check out this info to protect you and your clients! Also, Traverse City is not the only community talking about means to increase housing options in its community. Read on to see which communities are engaging in similar conversations. Lastly, we'll take a look at NAR’s important wins for the real estate industry so far in 2023.
1. Protect Yourself and Buyers from Seller Impersonation Fraud
At Aspire North we are hearing reports of a sharp increase in Seller Impersonation Scams and most recently we (Aspire North REALTORS) were contacted by the Leelanau County Register of Deeds, Jennifer L. Grant, with a public announcement of property fraud attempts have been reported by some property owners to the Leelanau County Register of Deeds. Below are a few resources and articles to help you to identify and navigate potential Seller Impersonation Scams:
- For Leelanau County, you and/or your clients can sign up for Fraud Guard Alerts to register your name with the Leelanau County Register of Deeds so you will be contacted by email when a document is recorded with your name on it. Giving you an early warning of property fraud being committed in your name.
- For Antrim, Benzie, Grand Traverse, and Kalkaska County you can receive the same free notification service through
- Seller Impersonation Scams are a nationwide issue and the Colorado Association of REALTORS wrote a succinct and helpful article on the ways REALTORS can protect themselves and their clients
For more information, or if you would like to report what you believe to be a property fraud attempt, contact your local register of deeds and/or the Aspire North REALTORS Office at 231-947-2050.
2. Quick Look at Local Townships Looking at Opportunities to Increase Housing Options
Anyone following the GAD Top 3 and/or Traverse City local news so far this year is likely well aware of the ongoing conversation of zoning amendments being considered in Traverse City to increase housing opportunities. However, there continue to be other local communities having similar conversations. Below are a few that came into view this week and may be worth tracking as these conversations forward into potential action:
- At the Almira Township Planning Commission Meeting on July 11th (page 1) Zoning Administrator, Kate Preston, presented information on the number of permits in 2023 versus 2022, precisely the number of single-family dwelling permits. The Almira Township Planning Commission expressed interest in knowing how many accessory dwelling units there are in Almira Township as well.
- At the East Bay Charter Township Zoning Ordinance Subcommittee meeting on July 19th (page 1) the subcommittee discussed allowing more housing options in Low Density Residential District as well as the East Bay Charter Township Urban Growth Boundary and what can be done to incentivize growth within the Urban Growth Boundary. The Subcommittee expressed that they are generally supportive of any zoning changes that support more affordable housing options, although they have concerns over incompatibility in established neighborhoods. They also discussed the allowance of multiuse and residential in commercial districts to support more housing options.
3. A Look Back at NAR’s Accomplishments to Date in 2023
In August the National Association of REALTORS (NAR) is taking a look back at their accomplishments in 2023 so far! These include:
- Reduction in Mortgage Insurance Premiums
- The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) rescinding its proposed loan level pricing adjustment (LLPA) upfront fee
- The Federal Housing Administration increased the threshold dollar amount for large multifamily loans
- The U.S. House passed the SECURE Notarization Act for the nationwide use of remote online notarization technology
- The passing of the Association Health Plans Act within the CHOICE Arrangement Act.
And much more! Check out all of NAR’s accomplishments this year to date here.